v a l e r i a    m o n e r r i  

B I O G R A P H Y 

Valeria Monerri is a talented actress known for her authenticity and emotional depth.
Her natural ability to embody complex characters highlights her dedication and passion for acting.
Focused on building a meaningful career, Valeria continuously refines her craft and embraces new challenges. She stands out for her professionalism and the unique sensitivity she brings to every role. Valeria is committed to establishing herself as a versatile and impactful presence in the acting world.
In addition to her acting career, she has built a strong digital presence, with a combined following of 1.7 million across her social media platforms.

T R A I N I N G 
2022 -25. Regular training in Estudio Juan Codina.                                                                       2021 - 2022. Aula cine y TV - Preparation for the casting with Víctor Antoli
09/2024. Training for the camera with Francisco Boira
2023-2024.Viewpoints with Vanesa Rasero
05/2024 / Intensive with Cristina Alcazar
l a n g u a g e s    

S O C I A L   M E D I A
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