N O R A  A L B E R D I 

B I O G R A p h y  

Born in the Pais Vasco, North of Spain and consequently to her work as a dancer, she moves to London where she begins her training and career in both arts, with a long international career as an actress and dancer, she is currently working in the shows Cold Blood and La Légèreté of the renowned Belgian film director Jaco Van Dormael, traveling internationally and from 2018 until now, she performs in the play No Women's Land , winner of the First Prize of the press at the Avignon Festival 2018.

In 2023, she joins the cast of the successful French series Shopie Cross.

C I N E m a 
2020  Beau Monde de Hans Vannetelbosh. Prod: Denzzo. Bélgica. 
2019 Brujas de Rodrigo M. Malmsten. Prod: Uxen7Art. Productions. Bélgica. 
2018 La Belleza de los Cuerpos. Rodrigo M.Malmsten. 
2017 Sons of No One. Hans Vannetelbosh. Prod: Denzzo. Bélgica.
2015 Le Tout Nouveau Testament de Jaco Van Dormael. 

T v
2023 : Shopie Cross + Television Francesa + CANAL RTBF
2022 Renaissance : Television Francesa + CANAL RTBf

C O M P L E M E N T A R Y  T R A I N I N G

1995-1997: London Contemporary Dance School
2011/17: Ateliers d’ acting et de direction d’ acteurs, avec Beatriz Flores Silva
2014: Master Class avec Marjorie Ballentine, élève directe de Stella Adler
1992 – 1997: Ecole de danse classique Victor Ullate

l a n g u a g e s 

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