H E L E N A  M I Q U E L 

B I O G R A P H Y 

Born in Barcelona, she made her first incursions as an actress at the age of 14, at that age she took acting classes at the El Timbal school in Barcelona. 
She combined her studies of Audiovisual Communication at the university with her career as a singer, from which she formed the renowned band Delafé y Las Flores Azules.
 Years later, and at the same time he continues with his musical career, he returns to acting with the successful "No habrá paz para los malvados" directed by Enrique Urbizu, a film that won the Goya Awards in 2012.
In 2023 he has participated in the celebrated new film by filmmaker Víctor Erice "Cerrar los ojos¨

C I N E M A 
2023 - CERRAR LOS OJOS. Dir. Victor Erice.
2018 - FRÁGIL. Dir. Fernando Baños.
2011 - NO HABRA PAZ PARA LOS MALVADOS. Dir. Enrique Urbizu.
2010 -  EL IDIOMA IMPOSIBLE. Dir. Rodrigo Rodero.

2024 -  NUDES. TV3.
2015 - 2016 LA RIERA TV3.

S H O O R T   F I L M S 
2023 - H . Dir Alejandro Moreno.
2017 - SEMPITERNO. Dir Iñigo Floristán.
2017 - EL ALETEO DEL COLIBRI. Dir Meritxell A. Valls.
2014 - ASUNTOS DOMÉSTICOS. Dir Alexia Muiños.
2013 - MAL DE SANGRE. Dir Pedro Díaz..

s k i l l s 
Banda Delafé y Las Flores Azules

l a n g u a g e s  

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