a l e x a n d r a  r u s s o 

B I O G R A p h y 

Born in Venezuela and graduated in drama, she moved to Spain where she continued her training at William Layton's theater laboratory in Madrid, and with directors such as Iñaki Aierra, Carlos Sedes, Javier Luna, Tonucha Vidal and Juan Carlos Corazza, she strengthened her work as an actress.
In 2024 she starts shooting the series "PUBERAT" as part of the main cast under the direction of Leticia Dolera for TV3 and HBO.

F I L M 
2024 -  PUBERTAT. Dir Leticia Dolera. TV3.
2022 - MIGUEL BOSE . Dir Miguel Bardem. Paramount Picture

L A N G U A G E S    

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